Impacts – 02 Introduction

Impacts of Visitor Spending on Local Economy:
Crater Lake National Park, 2001

The purpose of this study is to document the local economic impacts of visitors to Crater Lake National Park (CRLA) in 2001. Economic impacts are measured as the direct and secondary sales, income and jobs in the local area resulting from spending by park visitors. The economic estimates are produced using the Money Generation Model 2 (MGM2) (Stynes and Propst, 2000). Three major inputs to the model are:

1) Number of visits broken down into lodging-based segments,

2) Spending averages for each segment, and

3) Economic multipliers for the local region

Inputs are estimated from the Crater Lake National Park Visitor Survey, the National Park Public Use Statistics, and IMPLAN input-output modeling software. The MGM2 model provides a spreadsheet template for combining park use, spending and regional multipliers to compute changes in sales, personal income, jobs and value added in the region.

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