Analysis – 04 Current Status

Analysis of the National Park Service Recreation Fee System, June 1977



The Service wishes to ensure the equity of the current fee system and the effectiveness of fee collection. The Department and the OMB have also inquired into fee revenues, their relationship to visitation, and the possibility of implementing changes to increase fee revenues.

OMB also requested that the Service charge user fees experimentally for at least three visitor transportation systems (VTS) during FY 78. This summer the Service is collecting visitor use data on all VTS operations. Next summer fees will be charged for rides on three systems. The experiment will then be evaluated.

The Congress is considering several bills that propose the following changes in the fee system:

  1. freezing all entrance fees as of January 1, 1977 (Byron. H.R. 5524);
  2. lowering the minimum age to 60 for the Golden Age Passport (Byron, H.R. 5524; Gudger. H.R. 5248);
  3. authorizing free entry to blind or disabled persons and those accompanying them; (Byron, H.R. 5524; Sisk, H.R. 5801); and
  4. authorizing a multi-day entry permit (Sisk, H.R. 5802).


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