Plan – 09 CULTURAL RESOURCES Archeology

Visitor Services Plan, Crater Lake National Park




All of the actions proposed in this plan will comply with the Archeological and Preservation Act of 1974 (16 USC 469), the Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (16 USC 470), the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 (25 USC 3001 et seq.), and the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (42 USC 1996).


The National Park Service initiated consultation with the Klamath-Modoc-Yahooskin cultural committee at Chiloquin on March 12, 1997, meeting with Barbara Kirk, executive committee secretary and head of tribal operations.

The National Park Service conducted consultations with the same tribal organization preparatory to the completion of the 1995 Development Concept Plan /Amendment to the General Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement. That document was concerned with issues and actions at Rim Village that are the same as those of this visitor services plan. Although the National Park Service provided the Klamath an opportunity to comment on the 1995 plan, the tribe did not choose to comment.


The National Historic Preservation Act requires all federal agencies to carry out their cultural resource management programs according to national historic preservation policy. Section 106 of the act requires federal agencies to consider the effects of their actions on historic properties and seek comments from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. The purpose of section 106 is to avoid unnecessary harm to historic properties.

The methodology for assessing impacts on cultural resources involves several steps. These include: (1) identification of the location of a proposed action; (2) comparison of that location with the location of resources listed on, or eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places; (3) identification of the extent and type of impact of the proposed action on National Register-listed or eligible properties; and (4) assessment of those effects according to procedures established in 36 CFR Part 800, Protection of Historic Properties.

A proposed undertaking is considered to have an “effect” on a historic property if it may in any way change the characteristics that qualify that property for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. If the undertaking would diminish the integrity of the property, it is considered to have an “adverse effect.” Historic properties for the purpose of the regulations are those prehistoric or historic districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects listed on, or eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places.

On October I 1, 1996, the National Park Service formally notified the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office that it was starting the planning process for a visitor services plan for Crater Lake National Park. On November 21, 1996, the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office acknowledged the notification and agreed to participate in the planning process.

Section 106 compliance was completed through a June 23, 1998, programmatic agreement between the National Park Service, Crater Lake National Park, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation regarding the Draft Visitor Services Plan /Environmental Impact Statement, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. The agreement stipulated measures for mitigating adverse effects on the plan and a process for review of individual actions.


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