Mazama Dorm Project 2000 Annual Report Summary


Mazama Dorm Project

2000 Annual Report Summary

Prepared by



Full PDF report mazama-dorm-project

INTRODUCTION- The Corvallis Plant Materials Center (PMC) entered into an amended agreement with Crater Lake National Park in 2000 to evaluate and increase grasses and sedges for revegetation purposes (Mazama Dorm Project). It was agreed to maintain and harvest two grass and two sedge fields and clean/process and provide the resulting seed to Crater Lake National Park in September 2000.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS- Activities in 2000 included maintenance and seed harvest of field increase plantings, maintenance of excess containerized stock, establishment of seed increase fields, and delivery of plant materials. A total of 10.9 kg clean seed was harvested from two grass and two sedge plots. Although Carex spectabilis flowered in 2000, no seed set occurred. All seed harvested in 2000 was provided to Crater Lake National Park personnel on September 26, 2000. Excess containerized stock involved five species and 140 containers. Two seed increase fields were established in fall 2000 in anticipation of seed needs for future restoration projects at Crater Lake National Park.

TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENTS- Two new seed increase fields (Elymus glaucus, 0.41 A;Bromus carinatus, 0.16 A) were established via carbon banding on September 14, 2000. Prior to drilling, the Bromus carinatus seed was treated with a systemic fungicide to control smut and other seed borne fungal diseases. Diuron was applied immediately after drilling to prevent weed seed emergence between rows. Both species established well, and diuron provided excellent weed control.




February 8, 2001



I. Brief Background of Project

The Corvallis Plant Materials Center (PMC) entered into an amended agreement with Crater Lake National Park in 2000 to evaluate and increase grasses and sedges for revegetation purposes (Mazama Dorm Project). It was agreed to maintain and harvest two grass and two sedge fields and clean/process and provide the resulting seed to Crater Lake National Park in September 2000.

Activities in 2000 included maintenance and seed harvest of field increase plantings, maintenance of excess containerized stock, establishment of seed increase fields, and delivery of plant materials. Details are provided below.

II. Accessions Involved

Accessions included for Mazama Dorm are listed in Table 1 (below). All of these accessions have been described in previous Annual Reports; this report includes a summary listing along with the activities conducted by PMC staff in 2000.

Table 1. Accessions involved for Mazama Dorm cooperative agreement with Corvallis Plant Materials Center in 2000

Common name Scientific name Symbol Accession Activities in 20001
Mountain maple Acer glabrum ACGL 9056271
Pearly everlasting Anaphalis margaritacea ANMA 9056268
Red Columbine Aquilegia formosa AQFO 9056251
Pinemat manzanita Arctostaphylos nevadensis ARNE 9056252
Greenleaf mazanita Arctostaphylos patula ARPA 9056337
Cascade aster Aster ledophyllus ASLE 9056307
California brome Bromus carinatus BRCA5 9056244 Sfp Dlv
Hall’s sedge Carex halliana CAHA2 9056265
Thick-headed sedge Carex pachystachya CAPA14 9056248 Sfp Dlv
Showy sedge Carex spectibilis CASP5 9056249 Sfp
Blue wildrye Elymus glaucus ELGL 9056242 Sfp Dlv
Wild buckwheat Eriogonum marifolium ERMA4 9056262
Oceanspray Holodiscus dicolor HODI 9056258
Bush honeysuckle Lonicera involucrata LOIN5 9056253
Broadleaf lupine Lupinus latifolius2 LULA4 9056247
Cliff beardtongue Penstemon rupicola PERU 9056310
Phacelia spp Phacelia PHACE 9056399
Spreading phlox Phlox diffusa PHDI3 9056274
Squaw currant Ribes cereum RICE 9056295
Crater Lake currant Ribes erythrocarpum RIER 9056254
Sierra willow Salix orestera SAOR 9056255
Red elderberry Sambucus racemosa SARA2 9056256
Mountain ash Sorbus scopulina SOSC 9056269
Alpine spirea Spirea splendens v splendens SPSPS 9056257
Western needlegrass Stipa occidentalis STOC2 9056246
Grouse whortleberry Vaccinium scoparium VASC 9056267

III. Field Seed Increase

Seed was harvested from established stands of Elymus glaucus, Bromus carinatus, andCarex pachyastachya. Although Carex spectabilis flowered in 2000, no seed set occurred. Seed harvest and additional cultural notes are summarized in Table 2 (below):

Table 2. Seed Harvest for Crater Lake National Park- Mazama Dorm revegetation project, at Corvallis Plant Materials Center in 2000


2000 Field Seed Production Notes:

All grass and sedge species received three applications of Tilt and Bravo fungicides in April/early May for rust control. All plots were fertilized in September 1999 with 25 lbs/ac nitrogen (N), and in February 2000 with 50 lbs/ac N plus 15 lbs/ac Sulfur (S). Weed control was primarily performed by rototilling and swiping with Roundup between rows when possible, spraying borders with Roundup, and hand-hoeing and roguing.

Broadleaf herbicides were applied in August (2,4-D and Banvel) and again in October 2,4-D and Gallery) to control broadleaves in the BRCA5 plot. Sedge plots were irrigated throughout the growing season to improve seed yields. Grass and sedge fields were mowed, and the residue was baled and/or removed as necessary following seed harvest. Preemergent herbicides were applied between rows in sedge plots in October (Surflan) and to the BRCA5 plot in October (Karmex).

Establishment of New Seed Increase Fields in 2000:

Two new seed increase fields of California brome and blue wildrye were established on September 14, 2000 at the Corvallis PMC in anticipation of seed needed for future restoration projects at Crater Lake National Park (and future cooperative agreements between the PMC and the Park.) Diuron (Karmex) was applied immediately after drilling to prevent weed seed emergence between rows. Irrigation was provided as necessary during September and October to promote establishment. Most seedlings emerged within 2-3 weeks after planting, and stand establishment and vigor was rated as good/good for both species. Overall, Karmex provided excellent weed control. Broadleaf herbicides (2,4-D and Banvel) were applied in October to both new fields to control the few broadleaves that were not controlled with Karmex. Details are provided in Table 3 (below):

Table 3. Establishment information for new seed increase fields for Crater Lake National Park, at the Corvallis PMC in 2000


IV. Experimental Propagation

No experimental propagation trials were conducted in 2000.

V. Container Plant Production

No container plant production was conducted in 2000, but excess containerized stock were maintained. This involved five species (ACGL- 11 1-gal; LOIN5- 8 1-gal; VASC-16 1-gal; ERMA- 75 conetainers; and PERU- 30 4” pots).

VI. Delivery of Plant Materials

Seed provided to park personnel in September 2000 for the Mazama Dorm rehabilitation plantings is shown as Appendix I. All seed lots were tested just prior to delivery (tests were completed by September 29, 2000) for percent viability and percent purity. The grass seed lots, blue wildrye and California brome, exhibited 86 and 53 percent viability and 99 and 94 percent purity, respectively. The thick-headed sedge seed lot exhibited 82 percent viability and 99 percent purity.

Appendix I. Distribution and delivery record record of seed provided to Crater Lake National Park personnel on September 26, 2000 by the Corvallis Plant Materials Center for the Mazama Dorm rehabilitation project.

Accession                         Species                   Seed lot     Amount

9056244                     Bromus carinatus         SFP-00     7437 g

9056248                     Carex pachystachya     SFP-00     771 g

9056242                     Elymus glaucus             SFP-00     2667 g

1 Activity Codes: Col = collected at park; Dlv = plant material delivered to park; Pxn = Plants grown in container production; Sfp = seed produced at PMC; Trl = propagation trials.

2 Seed collected by NPS in 1995 and 1996 was not L. latifolius- a tentitive ID was made in 1997 as L. andersonii. Substitution for L. latifolius was made on a informal basis.

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