Report – 14 Conclusions and Recommendations

Report of the Superintendent of the Crater Lake National Park, 1910

 Conclusions and Recommendations.

It is recommended that the Crater Lake Company be permitted to develop power on Anna Creek, and that the plant be located near the falls, such permit to be granted when the company submits complete plans, specifications, and the engineer’s report. Said installation to be under the direction of the department’s representative.

That a complete and comprehensive road and trail plan together with specifications be prepared and approved for the entire park before any extensive construction is undertaken.

That complete and comprehensive plans and specifications be prepared and approved for a sewer system, water supply, and road-sprinkling system before any other work is undertaken and before the park becomes settled. After the plans and specifications are approved the work should be executed under the personal supervision of a competent engineer. The work of the engineer should be inspected occasionally by the department’s representative from time to time. No makeshift construction should be allowed in the park. This applies especially to the roads, sewer system, water supply, and hydro-electric power development. Whatever work is done should be performed in the best possible, economical manner. I recommend that the highways be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications similar to those of the Massachusetts state highway commission, where a purely macadamized highway is constructed. I also recommend careful consideration of the various forms of oiled macadam roads. By this I do not mean a macadam road merely sprinkled with oil, but one in which the asphalt oil is so incorporated throughout the body of the road that practically an asphalt concrete is formed, which practically overcomes the dust—such a road as that known as the “Oileroid” or “Petrolitlic.”

The general plan for the roads in this park should establish a maximum width for the macadamized part of the road. Where the topography will permit I think the width of these roads should not exceed 14 feet for the macadamized part, certainly not to exceed 16 feet for the macadamized part of the roads. Where the roads traverse steep slopes, endangering human life in case of accident, this width, of course, should be increased somewhat. In such cases a width of 20 feet would, perhaps, be safe.

In estimating the cost of macadam road or oiled macadam roads in this vicinity I think $1.25 per square yard can be relied on to cover the macadamized part. The cost of the grading, of course, depends upon the topography.

Very respectfully,

E. A. KEY,
Special Inspector.




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