11. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1923, p. 66.

12. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1924, pp. 50-51, 120, and Ibid., 1925, pp. 6, 105.

13. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1929, pp. 66-67.

14. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1922, pp. 129-30; Ibid.,1923, p. 144; Ibid., 1924, p. 120; Ibid., 1925, p. 105; Ibid., 1926, p. 14; and Ibid.,1929, p. 66.

15. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1923, p. 144.

16. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1924, p. 50.

17. Final Report on the Crater Lake Park Control Project, November, 1927, by J.E. Patterson, Assistant Entomologist, U.S. Bureau of Entomology, RG 79, Central Files, 1907-39, File No. 883-06, Part 1, Crater Lake, Forest Protection, Insect Infestation, 1915-29.

18. “Report of the Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation in the Lodgepole Stands of Crater Lake National Park, Season of 1929,” by F.P. Keen, Entomologist, U.S. Bureau of Entomology; “Entomological Report of the Insect Control Project, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, Season Spring 1929,” by J.E. Patterson, U.S. Bureau of Entomology, November 4, 1929; and “Summary of Work Done on Insect Control Projects in Crater Lake National Park, Season of 1929,” November 4, 1929; RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 883-06, Part 1, Crater Lake, Forest Protection, Insect Infestation.

19. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1930, p. 87.

20. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1932, p. 100.

21. Crater Lake National Park, Annual Wildlife Report, 1940, RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 720, Part 1, Crater Lake, Protection & Care, General. The diaries of various park rangers at Crater Lake are on microfilm in the Technical Information Center of the Denver Service Center. These diaries consist primarily of wildlife and bird observations in the park from 1930 to 1945. The diaries provide invaluable data on the characteristics of wildlife patterns and habitat during that 16-year period.

22. Cammerer to Superintendent, Crater Lake National Park, March 24, 1938, RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 715-02, Part 1, Crater Lake, Bears, General.

23. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1930, p. 87.

24. Annual Report, Crater Lake National Park, 1932, RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 207-001.2, Part One, Crater Lake, Reports (General), Director’s Annual Report.

25. Annual Report, Crater Lake National Park, 1936, RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 207-001.4, Part One, Crater Lake, Reports (General), Superintendent’s Annual Report.

26. Annual Report, Crater Lake National Park, 1937, RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 207-001.4, Part One, Crater Lake, Reports (General), Superintendent’s Annual Report.

27. “Report of Mountain Pine Beetle Situation in Crater Lake National Park and Surrounding National Forest Areas, Season 1931 and Recommendations for Control, Spring 1932,” by F.P. Keen, Entomologist, U.S. Bureau of Entomology, RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 883-06, Part 2, Crater Lake, Forest Protection, Insect Infestation.

28. Annual Report, Crater Lake National Park, 1932, RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, p. 12, File No. 207-001.2, Part One, Crater Lake, Reports (General), Director’s Annual Report.

29. “Report of the Mountain Pine Beetle Situation in Crater Lake National Park and Adjacent Lands of the Rogue River National Forest, Season 1933–Maintenance Control Program for Spring 1934,” by F.P. Keen, Entomologist, U.S. Bureau of Entomology, RG 79, Central Files, 1933-49, File No. 883-06, Part 2, Crater Lake, Forest Protection, Insect Infestation.