7. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1921, pp. 82, 223.

8. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1923, pp. 65-67, 143.

9. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1924, p. 119, and Joseph H. Farney, “The Lure of Crater Lake,” Union Pacific Magazine, IV (June, 1925), 31-32.

10. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1925, pp. 103-04.

11. Crater Lake National Park, Development Outline, Road and/or Trail System Plan, March 1944, RG 79, Region IV, Central Classified Files, Crater Lake, Box 11, Folder 600.01, Part I, Master Plans, FRC, San Bruno.

12. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1926, pp. 40-41, 115-16.

13. Vint to Thomson, July 31, 1926, RG 79, Central Files, 1907-39, File No. 900-02, Part I, Crater Lake, National Park Concessions, Crater Lake National Park Company. Among other comments Thomson recommended that cabins be built at Government Camp to house park employees currently living in tents and that Munson Meadows be developed as a campground. Wherever possible campgrounds “should be of sufficient area to permit rotation and thus prevent complete destruction of vegetation.”

14. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1926, pp. 40-41, 115-16.

15. “General Statement, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon” [1926], RG 79, Central Files, 1907-39, File No. 302, Part 3, Crater Lake, Appropriations, Estimates, 1924-27.

16. “Report on Naturalization in the Rim Area,” by Merel S. Sager, Assistant Landscape Architect, November 18, 1932, RG 79, Central Files, 1907-39, File No. 207.

17. Annual Report, Crater Lake National Park, 1927, RG 79, Central Files, 1907-39, File No. 207-001, Part 2, Crater Lake, Reports, Annual.

18. “Report on Construction Activities in Crater Lake National Park, Season 1928,” by Ward P. Webber, Resident Engineer, January 25, 1929, RG 79, Central Files, 1907-39, File No. 631-2, Part 2, Roads Budget, General, Crater Lake, 1928-30.

19. Annual Report, Crater Lake National Park, 1928, Files, Superintendent’s Office, Crater Lake National Park. See Appendix B for a list of physical improvements in the park as of 1928.

20. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1928, p. 13.

21. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1929, pp. 65-66, and “Final Construction Report on Sewage Disposal System, Park Headquarters, Account No. 481,” by Ward P. Webber, Engineer, August 7, 1931, RG 79, Central Files, 1907-39.

22. Annual Report of the Director of the National Park Service, 1930, pp. 85-86, and “Final Construction Report of No. 406, Employee’s Cottage at Headquarters,” RG 79, Central Files, 1907-39, File No. 620-058.

23. Crater Lake National Park, “Report on Operations and Approved Construction Projects, Season of 1931 (1932 Fiscal Year),” E.C. Solinsky, Superintendent, n.d., RG 79, Central Files, 1907-39, File No. 207, Report on Operations and Approved Construction Projects, Season of 1931 (1932 Fiscal Year). Also see Crater Lake National Park, “Report of 1931 Construction Activities, As of November 1, 1931,” by W.E. Robertson, Associate Engineer, File No. 207, Ibid., and Kerr to Solinsky, October 12, 1931, RG 79, 67A618, Box 6, File 661, Electrical System – Crater Lake, FRC, Seattle.

24. National Park Service Rustic Architecture: 1916-1942, pp. 67-68. For more information on these structures see U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Park and Recreation Structures, Part I – Administration and Basic Service Facilities, by Albert H. Good, 1938, pp. 86-87, 158.