82. “Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Proposed Construction of Employee Dormitory at Rim Village, Crater Lake National Park,” April 1972, pp. 1-3, Files, Technical Information Center, Denver Service Center.

83. Smith and Smith, comps., op. cit.

84. Eugene Register-Guard, June 6, 1973.

85. Portland Oregonian. December 7, 1973. Reed’s order was somewhat analogous to Drury’s earlier resolution of the tunnel proposal and reflected the growing role in NPS policy that conservation groups were assuming during this time. Nathaniel Reed’s role as de facto director of the agency after Hartzog was dismissed is mentioned in Foresta, op. cit., pp. 85-86.

86. “Department of the Interior, Environmental Assessment, Master Plan, Crater Lake National Park,” March 1975, Files, Technical Information Center, Denver Service Center.

87. “Environmental Assessment for the Improvement of Sewer Systems at Rim village and Munson Valley, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, June 1976, Files, Technical Information Center, Denver Service Center.

88. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Historic Structure Report: Crater Lake Lodge. Crater Lake National Park Crater Lake Oregon, by David Arbogast, Linda W. Greene, Catherine H. Blee, and James M. Ellis, March 1982 [April 1984], p. 127.

89. National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978, Public Law 95-625, November 10, 1978. The similarity between the NPS’s new planning process and that mandated for the Bureau of Land Management can be tied to Robert Herbst, Assistant Secretary of Interior during the Carter Administration. Herbst had come to the department from the Izaak Walton League of America, an organization which was largely responsible in obtaining passage of BLM’s organic legislation in 1976.

90. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Draft General Development Plan Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, July 1977, p. 9.

91. Ibid., p. 8.

92. Ibid., p. 9.

93. Medford Mail Tribune, September 4, 1977.

94. Memorandum to the Regional Director, Pacific Northwest Region, Frank J. Betts, Superintendent, March 1, 1978, in “Emergency Survey of Concession Facilities, Crater Lake National Park,” May 1981, pp. 32-33, Files, Technical Information Center, Denver Service Center.

95. “Engineers Report, Structural Survey and Physical Condition, Crater Lake Lodge and Annex, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon,” by Haner, Ross and Sporseen, Inc., Portland, revised February 1982, Files, Technical Information Center, Denver Service Center.

96. “Emergency Survey of Concession Facilities,” op. cit., p. 28.

97. Medford Mail Tribune, November 21, 1980, and Salem Statesman Journal, November 26, 1980, p. 11A.

98. “Emergency Survey of Concession Facilities,” op. cit., p. ii.

99. Medford Mail Tribune, December 11, 1980, and Portland Oregon Journal, December 11, 1980, p. 28.

100. Crater Lake National Park, Natural and Cultural Resource Management Plan and Environmental Assessment, 1986, p. 95, Resource Management Files, Crater Lake National Park Library. Elisabeth Potter, Preservation Specialist, [Oregon] State Historic Preservation Office to Daniel J. Tobin, Regional Director, Pacific Northwest Region, January 14, 1981, Interpretation Division Files, Crater Lake National Park.

101. “Crater Lake Lodge, A Total Rehabilitation Scenario, Combined Option,” November 1986, p. 3, Files, Technical Information Center, Denver Service Center.