APPENDIX A6: Regulations of November 15, 1910, Governing the Administration of Automobiles During the Season of 1911

Crater Lake National Park: Administrative History by Harlan D. Unrau and Stephen Mark, 1987

 APPENDIX A6: Regulations of November 15, 1910, Governing the Administration of Automobiles During the Season of 1911

Pursuant to authority conferred by the act of May 22, 1902 (32 Stats., 202), setting aside certain lands in the State of Oregon as a public park, the following regulations governing the admission of automobiles into the Crater Lake National Park during the season of 1911 are hereby established and made public:

1. No automobile will be permitted within the metes and bounds of the Crater Lake National Park unless the owner thereof secures a written permit from the superintendent or his representative.

2. Applications for permits must show: (a) Name of owner, (b) number of machine, (c) name of driver, and (d) inclusive dates for which permit is desired, not exceeding one year, and be accompanied by a fee of $1 for a single round trip through the park or a fee of $5 per annum for each machine for personal use and not for hire.

Permits must be presented to the superintendent or his authorized representative at the rangers’ headquarters on the Government roads. Permittees will not be allowed to do a commercial transportation business in the park without a special license therefor from the Secretary of the Interior. All permits granted at any time when automobiles can enter the park will expire on December 31 of the year of issue.

3. The use of automobiles will be permitted on the Government roads from the southern and western boundaries of the park between the hours of 6.30 a.m. and 10.30 a.m., and between the hours of 3.30 p.m. and 6.30 p.m.

4. When teams approach, automobiles will take position on the outer edge of roadway, regardless of the direction in which they are going, taking care that sufficient room is left on the inside for the passage of teams.

5. Automobiles will stop when teams approach and remain at rest until teams have passed or until teamsters are satisfied regarding the safety of their teams.

6. Speed will be limited to 6 miles per hour, except on straight stretches where approaching teams will be visible, when, if no teams are in sight, this speed may be increased to the rate indicated on signboards along the road; in no event, however, shall it exceed 15 miles per hour.

7. Signal with horn will be given at or near every bend to announce to drivers of approaching teams the proximity of an automobile.

8. Teams have the right of way, and automobiles will be backed or otherwise handled, as necessary, so as to enable teams to pass with safety.

9. Violation of any of the foregoing rules or the general regulations for the government of the park will cause revocation of permit, will subject the owner of the automobile to any damages occasioned thereby and to ejectment from the reservation, and be cause for refusal to issue a new permit to the owner without prior sanction in writing from the Secretary of the Interior.

10. All persons passing through the park with automobiles are required to stop at the superintendent’s headquarters or the rangers’ headquarters and register their names.

11. These rules are also applicable to motor cycles, which may use the park roads on payment of a fee of $1 for each machine per annum; permits issued therefor shall expire on December 31 of the year of issue.


Report of the Superintendent of the Crater Lake National Park to the Secretary of the Interior, 1911, pp. 18-19.

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