5. Fishing. — Fishing is permitted with hook and line only, and never for profit or merchandise. Fishing in particular water may be suspended; or the number of fish that may be taken by one person in any one day, from the various streams or lakes, may be regulated by the supervisor. All fish hooked less than 8 inches long shall be carefully handled with moist hands and returned at once to the water, if not seriously injured. Fish retained should be killed. Five fish shall constitute the limit for a day’s catch from the lake, and 20 from other waters of the park.

6. Private operations. — No person will be permitted to reside permanently, engage in any business, operate a moving-picture camera, or erect buildings upon the Government lands in the park without permission in writing from the Director of the National Park Service. Application for such permission may be addressed to the supervisor of the park or to the National Park Service Washington, D. C.

7. Patented lands. — Owners of patented lands within the park limits are entitled to the full use and enjoyment thereof; the boundaries of such lands, however, must be determined and marked and defined, so that they may be readily distinguished from the park lands. While no limitations or conditions are imposed upon the use of such private lands so long as such use does not interfere with or injure the park, private owners must provide against trespass by their stock or cattle or otherwise, upon the park lands, and all trespasses committed will be punished to the full extent of the law. Stock may be taken over the park lands to patented private lands with the written permission and under the supervision of the supervisor, but such permission and supervision are not required when access to such private lands is had wholly over roads or lands not owned or controlled by the United States.

8. Grazing. — Allowing the running at large, herding, or grazing of cattle or stock of any kind on the Government lands in the park, as well as the driving of such stock or cattle over same, must be avoided, except where authority therefor has been granted by the supervisor. Cattle or stock found improperly on the park lands may be impounded and held until claimed by the owner and the trespass adjusted.

9. Saloons and bars. — No drinking saloon or barroom will be permitted upon Government lands in the park.

10. Advertisements. — Private notices or advertisements shall not be posted or displayed on Government lands within the park, except such as may be necessary for the convenience and guidance of the public and then only by permission from the supervisor.

11. Travel on trails. — Pedestrians on trails, when animals are passing them, must remain quiet until animals have passed.

Persons traveling on the trails of the park, either on foot or saddle animals, must not make short cuts, but must confine themselves to the main trail.

12. Horse-drawn vehicles. — Saddle horses, pack trains, and horse-drawn vehicles have right of way over motor-propelled vehicles at all times.