Hwy 62 – 03 REFERENCES

Federal Register

1999 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; proposed rule to remove the bald eagle in the lower 48 states from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife. Vol. 64, No. 128, July 6. Washington, DC.


Gedalof, Ze’ev and Dan J. Smith

2001 Dendroclimatic response of mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) in Pacific North America. Canadian Journal of Forest Resources: 31: 322-332.


Hamer, T.E., et al.

1994 Hybridization between barred and spotted owls. Auk 111: 487-492.


Koehler, G.M.

1990 Population and habitat characteristics of lynx and snowshoe hares in north central Washington. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 68: 845-851.


LaCaptain, Leonard

2002 Wildlife Biologist – USFWS, Klamath Falls Fish and Wildlife Office. Personal Communication with J. Von Loh, e2M Biologist.


Mail Tribune News

2002 Groups to sue for Wolverine listing. Paul Fattig. Acquired online at: http://www.mailtribune.com/archive/2000/december/122000n3.htm.


Minnesota Zoo

2002 Wolverine. Acquired online at: http://www.mnzoo.com/animals/Minnesota_trail/wolv_2.asp.


Murray, Michael

2002a Electronic Mail Summary of Contact with the Oregon Natural Heritage Program to J. Von Loh, e2M Biologist. USDI-NPS, Crater Lake, OR.

2002b List of Rare Species of Crater Lake National Park. in personal communication with J. Von Loh, e2M Biologist. USDI-NPS, Crater Lake, OR.


National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Department of Interior

1974 Legislative Proposal. Wilderness Designation of Crater Lake National Park, Crater Lake, OR. Available at Crater Lake National Park, Klamath County, OR.

1980 Public Law 96-553, Wilderness Designation of Crater Lake National Park. Available at Crater Lake National Park, Klamath County, OR.

1986 Park Roads Standards, Crater Lake, OR. Available at Crater Lake National Park, Klamath County, OR.

1987 Crater Lake National Park Administrative History, Harlan D. Unrau and Stephen R. Mark. Available at Crater Lake National Park, Klamath County, OR.