Up to six trees over 10-feet tall located at or near the toe of the fill slopes would be protected with tree wells and six to eight trees under 10-feet tall would be saved for transplanting.

Highway 62 West improvements would be limited to the minimum corridor necessary for a safe driving experience. Both the designs and colors of construction materials would blend with the surroundings. Cut and fill slopes would be roughened and revegetated to blend into the natural environment.

Sediment traps, erosion check structures, and/or filters would be considered. Best management practices are means of preventing or reducing nonpoint source pollution into drainages and of minimizing soil loss and sedimentation. Best management practices would include all or some of the following features, depending on site-specific requirements:

  • Locating excavated materials outside of drainages to avoid sedimentation;
  • Conducting regular site inspections throughout the construction period to ensure that erosion-control measures were properly installed and function effectively;
  • Armoring (with large rock and boulders) slopes that exceed 2:1 to reduce or prevent erosion;
  • Properly storing, using, and disposing of chemicals, fuels, and other toxic materials; and
  • Refueling construction equipment in upland areas only, to prevent fuel spills near water resources.



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