98 Appendix E10: Area Objectives, Crater Lake National Park: 1964

Crater Lake National Park: Administrative History by Harlan D. Unrau and Stephen Mark, 1987

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 APPENDIX E10: Area Objectives, Crater Lake National Park: 1964


To provide for the highest quality of use and enjoyment of the National Park System by increased millions of visitors in years to come.

THE PARK – Crater Lake National Park

1. To insure that all services, those supplied by the concessioner as well as those supplied by the National Park Service, will meet a standard that will provide a quality experience which the visitor expects in a National area.

2. To encourage the visitor to use, enjoy and understand all of the Park resources.

3. To maintain the high traditions of the visitor service and visitor protection programs as exemplified by well trained uniformed personnel.

4. To provide through coordinated planning with the Crater Lake Lodge, Inc. better public facilities properly located and properly maintained so the visitor will enjoy his visit.

5. To make the maximum use of Sinnott Memorial and the Community Building in off hours and off seasons for interpretive and conservation programs as can be provided; and insure that these programs are of high quality.

6. To encourage the use of the Park for qualified research purposes.

7. To insure that the primary pattern of use will enable the visitor to enjoy freely the natural beauty of Crater Lake and to appreciate the natural features.

8. To promote the use of the park back country.

9. To develop those facilities necessary for maximum enjoyment of the Park which are in consonance with the resource management objectives of the Service.


To conserve and manage for their highest purpose the natural, historical and recreational resources of the National Park System.

THE PARK – Crater Lake National Park

1. To protect the lake and surrounding walls as paramount examples of a caldera lake.

2. To protect the lake as nearly as possible in its pristine condition, free from human disturbance and intrusion which could detract from its appearance and beauty as originally viewed by man.

3. To establish an architectural theme, and adopt design standards for construction which are in harmony with the Park atmosphere.

4. To provide for the conservation of important historical and archaeological resources which are present.

5. To establish explicit resource management guidelines for the Park which are in harmony with the concepts of the Secretary’s advisory board on wildlife management and the report of the National Academy of Sciences.

6. To assure dependability, efficiency, and long life for all facilities.

7. To develop and adapt management concepts which will withstand modern pressures and influence upon park resources and will meet the requirements of the Service’s long range program.


To develop the National Park System through inclusion of additional areas of scenic, scientific, historical and recreational value to the nation.

THE PARK – Crater Lake National Park

1. To revise the boundaries, where needed, in order to improve management and protection of its natural resources.

2. To encourage the expansion of National Historic Landmarks in Oregon, and to encourage visitors to visit and enjoy them.

3. To inform the visitor of the need for expansion of the National Park System.

4. To encourage the visitor to become familiar with the contents of the “Road to The Future”.


To participate actively with organizations of this and other nations in conserving, improving and renewing the total environment.

THE PARK – Crater Lake National Park

1. To cooperate with the U.S. Forest Service in planning, developing and organizing adjacent recreational areas.

2. To cooperate with State and local agencies in protecting historical and natural areas of significance.

3. To exchange ideas with local, state and federal agencies through the use of “Park Practice”, “Grist” and other publications and techniques which are available.

4. To encourage meetings of local, state, and federal agencies to further national conservation goals.


To communicate the cultural, inspirational and recreational significance of the American Heritage as represented in the National Park System.

THE PARK – Crater Lake National Park

1. To give the highest priority to informational publications published by the Crater Lake Natural History Association and to encourage this association to publish guide booklets, historical brochures, maps and pictures as necessary for better interpretation.

2. To interpret for the visitor as the main interpretive theme the story of the eruption of Mt. Mazama and the formation of the great caldera which makes Crater Lake one of the most beautiful and deepest lakes in the northern hemisphere. The secondary themes to interpret are the history, the wildlife, plant life and the outstanding scenery.

3. To provide high quality interpretation that will meet the needs of all visitors, family groups, professional groups, individuals, the young and the old.

4. To constantly train the interpretive staff so that services they provide will be improved and updated.

5. To participate in off site talks for schools, service clubs and other organizations.

6. To release through newspapers, radio and television current information on Park activities to the neighboring communities.

7. To improve the design and quality of wayside exhibits and assist the visitor to use and understand these exhibits so that they will have an understanding of the area, and their heritage.


To increase the effectiveness of the National Park Service as a “people serving” organization dedicated to park conservation, historical preservation and outdoor recreation.

THE PARK – Crater Lake National Park

1. To promote an active training program for all employees, permanent, seasonal and concessioner, to add to their effectiveness and ability to serve the visitor.

2. To function under a published delegation of authority as a park management group “D” organization.

3. To apply the “Plan for the Man” and other management training techniques for better manpower use and development.

4. To provide a safety program for the protection of the visitor and the park staff.

5. Improve the wage board employees’ development program through the use of outside-the-service training courses.


Master Plan of Crater Lake National Park, September 1964, Chapter 2, Area Objectives, pp. 2-10, National Park Service History Collection, Harpers Ferry Center.

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