19 Part 2 Management and Administration 1902-1916

Crater Lake National Park: Administrative History by Harlan D. Unrau and Stephen Mark, 1987

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PART II: Management and Administration of Crater Lake National Park Under the Office of the Secretary of the Interior: 1902-1916


Before the establishment of the National Park Service by an act of August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535), administration of national parks was under the direct supervision of the Secretary of the Interior. Most of the work was performed by the Patents and Miscellaneous Division until 1907 and thereafter by the Miscellaneous Section of the Office of the Chief Clerk. On June 4, 1914, Mark Daniels was appointed General Superintendent and Landscape Engineer of National Parks with headquarters in San Francisco. Some eighteen months later on December 101 1915, Daniels was replaced by Robert B. Marshall, who was given the title of Superintendent of National Parks with an office in Washington, D.C. Marshall resigned on December 31, 1916, and was not replaced. Stephen T. Mather, who as Assistant to the Secretary of the Interior since January 1915 had been particularly concerned with national parks, was appointed the first Director of the National Park Service on May 16, 1917. 

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