22 Tuesday, August 27

Diary of Fletcher Linn

Crater Lake Trip, August 1889

Tuesday, Aug. 27

        I arose at six and started breakfast and rest arose later.

        After breakfast we rode around through the melon patch, loaded our wagons with fifteen of the largest melons we could find, and directed our course homeward.

        Ate dinner on Rogue River, near the bridge, at one o’clock.

        Reached home at five.

        After unloading our wagons, we bade our “good-byes” and departed to our respective homes, well pleased with our trip and with the acquaintances we had formed, get saddened by the thought that we were nearly all soon to depart for other climes, and perhaps would never again all be together.

        The thoughts of our re-union to be held on Thursday night somewhat cheers us, and another one of our “good old times” is generally anticipated.

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