34 Recommendations – Significance and Integrity

The Rustic Landscape of Rim Village, 1927-1941




Four areas or zones at Rim Village have distinct historic character and specific landscape resources that contribute to the overall design significance: the promenade and associated features, including the parapet wall, the crosswalks, the planting beds, and the overall configuration of the groundplane; the lodge, including the plaza (parking and entry) on the south side of the building, the terrace and walls on the north side, and all plantings associated with these features; the historic campground area, including the forest itself, the roads, comfort stations, paths, individual sites and vistas; and the cafeteria plaza including the stone comfort stations and the predominant open space on the north side of the structure. Collectively, these areas define the overall spatial organization of Rim Village and retain a high level of landscape integrity.

In addition, throughout Rim Village, several historic patterns of land use and overall design associated with these areas remain evident today. The promenade, for example, was always a relatively formal area, with clearly delineated pedestrian systems and planted areas designed to direct traffic, orient the visitor, and provide a series of “naturalistic” relationships between the open spaces and more discrete gathering areas along the rim. This area was also the primary system linking features throughout the village and was, from the time it was built, the area where visitor activity was concentrated. Over the years changes and modifications to individual features as well as intensive visitor use along the promenade have, to different degrees, impacted the original design. This is especially evident in the areas west of the Kiser Studio and in front of the Cafeteria where many plant materials are in poor condition or have been lost altogether; where rock walls have been rebuilt in a less than sympathetic manner; and where wood fences have been erected that are inappropriate in the context of the historic design. In spite of these changes, the majority of individual features are remarkably intact and the promenade as a whole retains a very high degree of landscape integrity.