35 Introduction – New Design in the Context of the Designed Historic Landscape

The Rustic Landscape of Rim Village, 1927-1941 




Identification and recognition of significant historic landscape features at Rim Village does not preclude new development at the site. However, in order to retain integrity, attention must be given to the historic patterns and individual features that comprise the designed landscape and define its salient character. While some modification of the landscape can occur — such as realignment of individual roads, or resurfacing of historic crosswalks — attention must be given to both the nature and the degree of change proposed. In all cases, efforts should be made to preserve and retain existing historic fabric. Where changes to the historic fabric and historic land uses are necessary, it is important to analyze, evaluate, and ascertain the potential impacts of these changes in the context of the historic landscape overall. For example, the hill south of Rim Village Road was historically designed and used for a campground. Today, however, it is a picnic area with day-use only. Although the historic use has changed, the contemporary function — picnicking — does not negatively impact the historic design; the roads are the same, individual sites are clearly defined, and plantings and views are all fundamentally the same. In general, understanding the significant qualities of an individual feature (form, function, structure, scale, material and composition) and its role in the historic design (design intent), is fundamental in determining the potential impacts these new design features will have on the historic ones, and whether the merit of these changes outweighs the potential loss of character or integrity.

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