Resources 1984 – B. Entrance Road and Bridges 11. Restraints Imposed by Snow and a World War

Historic Resource Study, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, 1984

VIII. Roads of Crater Lake National Park


B. Entrance Road and Bridges

   11. Restraints Imposed by Snow and a World War

Originally Crater Lake National Park operated only in the summer, and as a result, park improvements and facilities had been oriented toward seasonal use. In the early 1930s a plan for removing snow from the park roads as it fell was tried experimentally and proved satisfactory. As a result of the demand of winter sports enthusiasts, park roads were opened to visitors for the first time during the winter of 1935-36 in cooperation with the Oregon State Highway Commission, which kept the snow plowed from the approach roads as far as the park boundary The National Park Service first regarded winter operation of the park as a service only to winter sportsmen, but upon realizing that many people liked to see the park in the winter months, the government adopted a policy of year-round use. After that the park was kept open and accessible throughout the year except during the Second World War when snow removal equipment was loaned to the army; the staff reduced from twenty-five permanent employees to eight or nine; transportation, lodging, meal, and boat services suspended; the interpretive staff abolished; administrative, protective, maintenance, repair, and operational services curtailed to a minimum; and surplus trucks, tools, equipment, and supplies disposed of to war agencies. The main effort of the remaining park staff during that time was devoted to protection of the park from fire during the summer months. [49]


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