Save the Auto Camps by Stephen Mark, Park Historian


Camping was inexpensive and many vacation destinations offered no other type of accommodation. ca 1927
Courtesy Southern Oregon Historical Society #15243

The National Register is virtually the only means of preserving significant examples of auto camps in southwest Oregon. The Union Creek Resort is the only auto camp in Jackson County already listed on the National Register at this writing. No auto camps have been listed in Josephine County.

Steven Mark is a historian who lives in Fort Klamath.


  1. A Warren James Belasco, Americans on the Road: From Auto Camps to Motel, 1910-1945, (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1979) p. 139.

  2. Ashland Parks file, SOHS Medford.

  3. “America Takes to the Motor Court,” Business Week 563, 15 Jun 1940, p. 19.

  4. Warren James Belasco, p.77.

  5. Grants Pass Courier, 16 May 1915.

  6. “A Bit of Old Ashland,” papers and interviews by eighth graders of Ashland Junior High School, 1978, compiled by Marjorie Lininger, P.S.

  7. Warren James Belasco, p.78.

  8. Earl Chapman May. “The Argonauts of the Automobile,” Saturday Evening Post197:6,9 Aug 1924, p.89.

  9. Staff of Popular Science Monthly, How to Build Cabins, Lodges, and Bungalows,(New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1934) p.14.

  10. Norman Hayner, “Auto Camps in the Evergreen Playground” Social Forces 9:1 Oct 1930, p. 256-266.

  11. Popular Science Monthly. op cit., p. 210-214.

  12. William C. Tweed, Recreation Site Planning and Improvement in National Forests, 1891-1942, (Publication FS-354, Government Printing Office. Washington, DC, 1980) pp. 4-5.

  13. E.P. Meineche, “The Trailer Menace-A voice From the Past,” Journal of Forestry,70:5, May.

  14. J. Edgar Hoover, “Camps of Crime,” American Magazine 129:2 Feb 1940, pp.14-15,130-132.

This article first appeared in Southern Oregon Heritage, 1998, Vol. 3 No. 4


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