Bruce W. Black

I know that seasonal employees have often not seen people from the regional office.

We tried to involve Russ Grater in a party with naturalists, too.

Barbara: When he came was when we’d have a party and have everyone.

Yes. And he was a great person to have up there. I didn’t have a lot of involvement with the Natural History Association. I shouldn’t, perhaps, say that, because before I left we were having meetings in the park. I don’t remember no much detail about those. Dick Brown was a lot more involved with the natural history, and Nature Notes.

Dick Brown mentioned that there was a guide school conducted at Oregon Caves about the time, maybe slightly before, the seasonal naturalists showed up at Crater Lake because the concession guides had to be trained. What was that like?

We had that guide school at Oregon Caves every spring and we tried to imbue the guides with the park philosophy. And talked about the quality of presentations trying to let them see their job more in terms of what it would be like if they were park employees rather than concession employees. That’s what we were after.

So they had to learn some geology.

We did give training in geology, but it was just so fast, we’d throw them so much.