Doug and Sadie Roach

Oh, no.

(DR) We threw out flour, wasn’t it, that we had to throw out.  For that first year we had to keep things in pretty tight canisters.

(SR) We threw out 100 pounds of potatoes.

(DR) We were coming home from Klamath Falls and it came on a freeze.  They were beautiful potatoes.  I never saw anything like that in Seattle.  Anyhow, we were getting ready for winter and brought in a lot of supplies. I thought I had the potatoes protected enough from freezing, below zero.  I brought the potatoes in and set them in the kitchen next to the cupboard, got up in the morning and they had all leaked and left a nice great, big, brown stain on the floor.  I ruined the whole thing, except a few in the very center that were edible.  The rest of them were all spoiled.

One of the little adventures in our lives was back in the year that our daughter was born, which was in March of 1937.  At that time, we kept the rim and the roads open and we had quite a little bit of tourist travel from the local cities (15). We had visitors up from Medford and Klamath Falls, skiers, especially up on this big slope right up here under Garfield (Peak).  I would serve for the ranger staff on Sunday, either for parking or patrol duty, and then had Monday off.  The routine was that one of us went down to Fort Klamath to get the mail, and any little errands that had to be run.  On this particular day, we didn’t expect our daughter for another month or six weeks, we had taken our car on down to Fort Klamath and were coming home and a heater hose burst.  We went home and I put it in the garage. The next day, after we ate lunch and I said to Sadie, “I think I better do something about that hose.”  Let me give you a little background.  I mentioned about the suspension of Solinsky and the others, and that first summer that I was here, before Sadie and I were married, there were two General Accounting Office Inspectors here and they were fine-tooth combing everything.  Putting any brakes on there was a little carelessness or the misuse of government property or doing something that was out of line we were all very much aware of this danger because of what had gone before.  I said I think I’ll do down and talk to Martin even though I know it’s against the rules (16).  I could bring the additional hose when I came up from town the next time.  So I went down, and Martin gave me the heater hose, and I put the car back together.  That night, about 10 o’clock, our baby started to arrive.