Doug and Sadie Roach

Also, there was a drowning one day, which had some suspicious overtones according to the rangers who were involved in recovering the body.  They were fishing and this man stood up in the boat and lost his balance and went overboard. Those were three incidents that took place during the years that I was up here.

You asked me about Dave Canfield.  Dave was liked by everyone.  As I say, he was pretty astute in his judgment of men.  There is another man, if you can get hold of him- Rudy Lueck.

I talked to him on the phone.

(DR) He can give you much more insight on Dave than I can on a one-to one basis.  Not only that, Dave was pretty shrewd when it came to dealing with Washington.  We had a very good period of development and all.  He performed in what I would consider a first- class manner.  He transferred from here to Rocky Mountain.

Was he involved in the building that was going on?

(DR) Yes.  That ECW building project.  This building was used as an office, as I was telling you the other day in just the moment we talked.  Down there in the main lobby was the sort of stenographic pool and the living quarters on this end.  And then on the other side, on the first level, Dave had his office and the chief ranger and the chief engineer, I believe, Mr. Robinson, at least in the first years or two.  Upstairs, there was the acting chief ranger going out the corridor. It was an active building.  The Administration Building was just under construction.  Then they brought a man from San Francisco by the name of Etherton to superintend the building of this Administration Building.  It was quite a work of art and a fine looking building when it was finished.  At that time, too, in the years that we were here, the Bureau of Public Roads stationed a man in the park and one of the houses was rented to him.  It was one on the next level up, the circle, the one in the middle was Art Scruple, and before him (John) Sargent.