Robert Benton

1. What were the main ways that the changes in the directorate and RD positions affected CRLA Mile you were superintendent? Which congressmen had the most direct influence on the park?

2. What sort of relationship did you have with the state parks? Did you participate in their annual tours?

3. Who were the most important people (as far as CRLA is concerned) in the communities surrounding the park? Were they useful at times when there were difficulties with certain user groups? Were you in favor of continuing organized events like the Rim Run, ski race, or the Masons meeting?

4. To what extent were you involved in public meetings during the DCP process from 1984 to 1988? What duties were delegated to Jon Jarvis and other staff members?

5. Were there substantial changes in the number and type of seasonals employed at CRLA between 1984 and 1991? Did housing affect the quality of seasonals available?

6. What amount of discretion is granted to a superintendent in following the recommendations of an operations evaluation? Why are no subject matter specialists on these teams so that an overall assessment of program direction can be made?

7. What sort of outreach programs do you think CRLA can best handle? Do you think the lack of a facility specifically dedicated to education in the park has been a bad thing?

8. Can the headquarters and associated housing problems at CRLA ever be solved?

9. What prevented the highway closure at ORCA that was discussed during 1986? When did the negotiations for an Illinois Valley Visitor Center begin? Was this why the area ranger’s residence is in Cave Junction?

10. What will present the greatest challenges to future managers at ORCA? Can their building problems there ever be solved?

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