Wayne Howe – Part Two

Some of the names, Doc Ruhle. I don’t think I mentioned to you, one of the reasons why Doc didn’t seem to get along with other people, or with the ranger force so much was that Doc was gone so much. Doc’s a good man. I think Doc is still alive. He was in Washington at the time I was anyway. Which is a long time ago, but I think he’s still alive. And he’s a very smart man. Very, very smart man, but he would go off for days at a time. Now I suppose that Leavitt knew where he was.  But we people didn’t know where he was. And because you don’t know where a person is, and you don’t know what he’s doing, you think he’s goofing off. So, it just wasn’t a good situation.

Now the Clerk was Ray Stickler, and Ray later became chief clerk up at Olympic. He was there when I went to Olympic. Then he finally became superintendent at Whitman Mission. And in the midst of a prostate operation he had a heart attach and died. So he’s been dead for quite some time. The chief clerk was a man by the name of Darly Crumley and in the summertime he lived up there above the hospital. And of course he went back down to Medford at the wintertime.

The chief mechanic was a man by the name of Hash, his first name was Lon, his wife’s name was Phronsie, believe it or not. She’s dead, too, and Lon may be dead by now, I don’t know. He later became the head mechanic, or chief of maintenance, shop superintendent, whatever they called it at that time at Yosemite. So we knew him both places. One of the mechanics was Rex Trulove and I think he’s still around, if I’m not mistaken, or relatives are.

Yeah, I’ve heard that name several times. 

I think he lived in Fort Klamath.