Wayne Howe – Part Two

The one on the left.

Yeah, and I can remember, that we sat out there. I was driving, and we yelled and honked the horn, and Lee already had the word. And finally Lou said, “Ah, to hell with it, let’s go.” And just at that time, Lee come busting out of the door, jumped in the car. So all of us took off and went down there and Fitzgerald was pretty unhappy that it had taken us so long. But we got there as fast as was possible. And we put the man that was very seriously injured into the back of a pick up, I think it was. It might have been a station wagon, and took him to Annie Springs to the log house. And in the front of that log house, there was a kind of an office and First Aid room which was used, well for just that, office and First Aid. And we put him on a cot in there and just made him comfortable. Of course by this time, all before this time we had called an ambulance from Klamath Falls, but it takes a little over an hour for anybody to get up from there and it depends on how you get your call, or at least it did then. And so, we’d go out and look t him every once in while, that’s the only thing we could do. He was breathing all right, but he was breathing his last as far as we were concerned. But we’d check on him occasionally until the ambulance got there, but to the best of my knowledge in lived. He was very badly beat up and he was a little bit, maybe a whole bunch addled in the head. What had happened was they were young Mexican nationals as I recall, I’m not sure but they were at least Chicanos. They had come down off that road and they were really taking off down there, and it was below the White Horse curve, which is the first curve as you come on down towards the west. And they took off into the side of the road and they turned the car and it peeled the top off on some lodge pole pine just exactly like you would peel a sardine can. And I mean that literally, the top was just rolled back like that. And they were both thrown out, and of course they may have hit the trees, I don’t know what all happened. But it was a REAL automobile accident at that time. Now I think that was all the fatalities that we had here. I don’t even recall any heart attaches.

There wasn’t a …. I heard some story about a murder.

Yes, you better delve into that. That was when I was off in Korea. Lou Hallock was right in the middle of it, the FBI was. And as far as I know it is still an unsolved mystery. And when you get all the information on that I’d like to see it. I really would.