Wayne Howe – Part Two

Basically what we’ve got is just a few sentences of a quotation. 

Is that right?

At least of what I’ve seen so far. And I haven’t seen a whole lot. 

There should be a full complete file (20). Now one thing that I learned very early on with Lou Hallock- because he had been burned on a situation at Yosemite one time, and the only thing that saved him, was the notes that he had taken and the log that he had kept in the chief ranger’s office about a certain call about a person that was hung up on a cliff. And so he was very strict about you writing down everything in chronological order that came in. I learned how to write reports under him very well. Now, I think “very well” if I say so myself! But he was a sticker for that and so I know, when he had anything to do with reports around here on that thing, it was detailed. So somewhere, there should be that.

There maybe some things at the Federal Records Center. I think that there are still things to be chased down.

If you can’t find anything else on the ting. Lou’s still in existence (21). We didn’t hear from him last Christmas, but we did the year before. He’s around Sacramento and he’s not a young man anymore, he’s probably close to 80. But I don’t think that he would be a bit averse to give you information. You can find this address in the employee and alumni directory.

O.K., his last name is spelled?  


You mentioned personnel from other agencies such as the Forest Service and the BLM. As such, BLM was just getting started. BLM wasn’t even really an entity. I don’t think that I even knew about it for years.

Most of their lands would have been away from the park, anyway. 

That’s right, and the parks that I went to, back at that time, you see Olympic has no BLM. There’s very little BLM in the State of Washington, anyway. It certainly has nothing on the Olympic Peninsula, so we had nothing to do with them there. Yosemite and Sequoia, are the same way. My first real introduction to the BLM was probably when I went to Washington, D.C.