All persons making trips away from established camps are required to obtain fire permits from the nearest ranger before building camp fires.

Fires shall be lighted only when necessary, and when no longer needed shall be completely extinguished, and all embers and beds smothered with earth or water, so that there remains no possibility of reignition.

Permission to burn on any clean-up operation within the park must be first secured from the superintendent’s office, and in such cases as is deemed advisable, such burning will be under the Government supervision. All costs of suppression and damage caused by reason of loss of control of such burning operations shall be paid by the person or persons to whom such permit has been granted.

No lighted cigarette, cigar, match, or other burning material shall be thrown from any vehicle or saddle animal or dropped into any leaves, grass, twigs, or tree mold.Smoking or the building of fires on any lands within the park maybe prohibited by the superintendent when, in his judgment, the hazard makes such action necessary.The use of fireworks, or firecrackers in the park is prohibited, except with the written permission of the superintendent.

4. Hunting. — The park is a sanctuary for wild life of every sort, and all hunting or the killing, wounding, frightening, or capturing at any time of any wild bird or animal, except dangerous animals when it is necessary to prevent them from destroying human lives or inflicting personal injury, is prohibited within the limits of the park.

The outfits, including guns, traps, teams, horses, or means of transportation of every nature or description used by any person or persons engaged in hunting, killing, ensnaring, or capturing birds or wild animals within the limits of the park shall be forfeited to the United States and may be seized by the officers of the park and held pending the prosecution of any person or persons arrested under the charge of violating this regulation, and upon conviction, such forfeiture shall be adjudicated as a penalty in addition to other punishment. Such forfeited property shall is disposed of and accounted for by and under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior. Possession within said park of the dead bodies or any part thereof of any wild bird or animal shall be prima facie evidence that the person or persons having the same are guilty of violating this regulation.

During the hunting season, arrangements may be made at entrance stations to identify and transport through the park, carcasses of birds or animals killed outside of the park.

Firearms are prohibited within the park except upon written permission of the superintendent. Visitors entering or traveling through the park to places beyond, shall, at entrance, report and surrender all firearms, traps, seines, nets, or explosives in their possession to the first park officer and in proper cases may obtain his written permission to carry them through the park sealed. The Government assumes no responsibility for the loss or damage to any firearms, traps, nets, or other property so surrendered to any park officer, nor are park officers authorized to accept the responsibility of custody of any property for the convenience of visitors.

NOTE. — The foregoing regulation is in effect a declaration of the law on this subject contained in sections 4 and 5 of the act of Congress approved August 21, 1916 (39 Stat. 521), accepting cession by the State of Oregon of exclusive jurisdiction of the lands embraced in the Crater Lake National Park, and for other purposes.

This act by its terms applies to all lands within said park whether in public or private ownership.