Toynbees see Crater Lake in brilliant flash of sunlight – April 29, 1952

Toynbees see Crater Lake in brilliant flash of sunlight

Bend Bulletin

Bend, Oregon

Apr. 29, 1952

Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Toynbee, visiting the United States to Take park in the observance of the University of Oregon’s 75th year, saw Crater Lake yesterday in a flash of sunlit brilliance.

The famous British historian and his wife, on their way to Eugene after arriving at the Portland airport Saturday night, had experienced disappointing weather on their trip up the Columbia gorge Sunday; forecasts had not been reassuring as they left Bend yesterday morning after spending the night at the Cascade Motor Court, and cloudiness increased rather than lessened as they reached the crater’s rim. Then, in a welcome manifestation of the uncertainty of mountain weather, the clouds parted and for a matter of minutes they enjoyed a gorgeous view before the curtains of the sun were drawn again.

Lyle M. Nelson, director of public services at the University, who, with Dr. Gordon Wright of the department of history and Mrs. Wright, made the trip, told of the experience over long distance telephone from Eugene this morning.

The stay at the lake was memorable not only for this but for luncheon at one of the warming huts in the national park. The party had brought food from Fort Klamath and Chief Ranger Hallock and Richard Ward, the park ranger assigned to be with the visitors through the period of their sightseeing, joined them for the picnic meal.

The two-day circuit to Eugene was completed at 6 o’clock last night. After dinner the author of “A Study of History” expressed a desire to learn to bowl after seeing the alleys in the Erb Memorial Union. Result, two spares and a strike in his first game.

Dr. Toynbee’s engagement at the University of Oregon begins officially tonight when, at 8 o’clock he is to lecture at McArthur Court on “Encounters Between Civilizations.” Thursday night, at the same hour and place, he will lecture on “The Lessons of History.”
