Award-winning Whitebark Pine is Dead – February 7, 2008

Award-winning Whitebark Pine is Dead

Crater lake News

Crater Lake, Oregon
February 7th, 2008

By Michael Murray

Terrestrial Ecologist,

Crater Lake National Park


Photographed in 2005, this whitebark pine has succumbed to its enemies. The ancient tree was the subject of a photo – voted first place by participants of the Pacific Coast Whitebark Pine Conference (2006).

The tree, which lives at Crater Lake, Oregon, was discovered dead last month.

It appears to have succumbed to both blister rust and insects. A postmortem exam found two blister rust cankers. A mountain pine beetle attack from late 2005 is also evident on the tree.

Its age is estimated at 400-500 years old. Located less than 100’ from one of the most popular stops on Rim Drive, the pine’s picturesque and noble nature have undoubtedly enhanced the experiences of visitors for decades.


Photo by Sandra J. Kegley

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