James Kezer

Over the phone we talked about you coming out to Crater Lake. How did you choose Crater Lake as a place you might like to work?

That is such a interesting story. I was at a AAAS meeting, over Christmas and it was at that meeting that I met Doc Ruhle (2). Do you know Ruth Hopson?

Yes, I met her about five years ago (3).

Okay, so you know Ruth. Well, as a matter of fact, Ruth was at this meeting. She and I were together and there was Doc Ruhle. Ruth said quite casually, “Doc, here is a man you ought to have on your staff at Crater Lake.” He said, “Okay.” He sent the application form to me. I filled it out and was hired. It just goes to show that an accident can lead to one of the great experiences of your life.

Had you thought about the National Park Service before that time?

No, I hadn’t thought of it at all. It was so remarkable. What a wonderful experience I had.