Larry Smith

So that’s where the school was.

Yes, there was a double hallway entry. On the left was the teacher’s office for small group instruction and the big room where the safe was, was for large instruction.

Apparently at one point, they’d gotten moved up to the Sinnott Memorial.

One was moved up there.

Rotting away…That got moved real fast.

I remember an old guy came in sometime in the ‘sixties and he said “They’re still here!” He said, “I carved those.” I was dumb. It was before I was doing a lot of trying to tag people. So I never got a name on who it was that carved them.

The design was Francis Lange’s (17), but as to who carved them….

You see that one at the rim survived the plastic era because it still had the full-grain horsehide, or leather.

The leather that they brought in from San Francisco.

Oh, you know the history on that. Well, the story is that Einar covered the top of them.