Robert Benton


1. What were the major differences in the interpretive division at CRLA between 1984 and 1991? Were some of those differences evident in the NHA as well?

2. How do you view the organizational split between interpretation and resource management? Between resource management and protection?

3. When did you first see the need for historians in natural areas? Was the condition of the museum collections in these parks a factor? How did the historic resource study and administrative history affect your ideas concerning a park historian?

4. To what extent were you involved in the lake research project? How did the breadth and complexity of the investigations change when the geothermal issue came to the forefront?

5, What were your main concerns in regard to terrestrial resources? How did the fire management officer position come about?

6. What necessitated the creation of a staff ranger position at CRLA? Which of the ranger division’s needs did you consider most important in 19M?

7. What were the most pressing needs in maintenance when you arrived? Have these needs shifted substantially since then?

8. Has maintenance at CRLA taken on substantially different proportions since the rehabilitation of the three headquarters buildings? How can that sort of money and expertise be obtained for the rest of the historic district?

9. What were the forces behind the expansion in the number of positions in administration? How did the hiring of a computer specialist affect the operation, particularly when CRLA is compared with other parks which did not respond to that technology?

10. What did you consider to be the most important projects during your tenure at CRLA? Did the park’s infrastructure respond to their completion and need for ongoing maintenance? Did you ever make comparisons between the operational needs and responses between CRLA and Lassen?