Development – 03 Goals

Draft General Development Plan, July 1977, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

 Development Concept


The development plan for Crater Lake is based on the following broad goals, some of which are long-range.

  • Provide only those facilities on the crater rim which contribute directly to the visitor enjoyment and understanding of this natural wonder.

  • Develop an access and circulation system which aids in reducing congestion, maximizes convenience to the visitor and park management, and provides for safe travel in the park.

  • Provide facilities for improved interpretation, information, and orientation programs.

  • Provide the necessary visitor-use service facilities in an area which does not infringe upon the lake-viewing experience – facilities which can be operated efficiently on a yearlong basis.

  • Provide efficient, economical, and environmentally suitable housing and administrative facilities for permanent and seasonal park employees.


To accomplish these objectives, the development concept calls for a long-range goal of restoring the rim of the caldera to an interpretive zone. Those facilities not directly related to the viewing experience and interpretation of the natural resources would be removed upon the termination of their useful life. Needed facilities would be relocated, obsolete facilities eliminated, and new facilities provided for more efficient management operations.

Overnight lodging would be continued at the rim as long as the existing lodge is serviceable. Whether or not the lodging units are replaced elsewhere in the park following the termination of their useful life will depend upon the prevailing conditions at that time and the availability of facilities within the nearby communities. Camping facilities would be expanded on a modest scale in areas other than the rim. Interpretive facilities and programs would be improved.


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