Development – 05 Appendix B: Existing Development – Management Facilities

Draft General Development Plan, July 1977, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

 Appendix B: Existing Development

Management Facilities

Munson Valley: Currently, the hub of the National Park Service operation at Crater Lake is located at Munson Valley. The administration building houses the park’s offices and a small visitor information desk. Just south of the administration building is the Stone Housing area with nine employee residences, one three-unit apartment, one garage, and a ranger dormitory (used by the Youth Conservation Corps).

The park maintenance complex is located south of the administration building. It contains a warehouse, fire cache, gas house, three lumber/equipment sheds, a mechanics shop and vehicle storage building, and a large mess hall (used by the Youth Conservation Corps). The center of the maintenance area is asphalt-paved, providing parking and maneuvering space for heavy equipment and other vehicles. Adjacent to and north of the maintenance area are a small transformer building and a small paint storage building. A generator building is located north of the Steel Circle housing area.

South of the maintenance area, in an area known as Sleepy Hollow, are 14 small cottages used by seasonal employees during the summer months. A nine-car garage, used for storage, is also located at the lower end of the cottage area.

Eight trailer sites are situated south of the cottage area. Each site is provided with water, sewage, and electrical connections. The trailer sites are available to summer seasonal employees who bring their own trailers and/or for NPS-provided trailers.

Across the main park road from the maintenance area is the Steel Circle employee housing area. Around Steel Circle are seven two-family, two-story housing units, one three-story fourplex unit, a one-story seasonal quarters for concession employees, and a multi-purpose community building. All structures are of contemporary concrete block and frame construction.

Other Facilities: A large utility storage area is located a short distance inside the south boundary of the southern Panhandle of the park, just off the west side of the South Entrance Road. House trailers used in the park are stored here during the winter months. Various other construction equipment and materials are also stored here for use in the park. There are no utilities in the area.

A small seasonal cabin is located near the South Entrance Station at Annie Springs, a wooden frame patrol cabin located east of Cleetwood Cove at an area known as the Wineglass, an unused fire lookout on top of Mount Scott, and a small cabin and pit toilet near the North Entrance Station are the only other significant structures located in the park.


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