Development – 09 Boat Tours-Facilities

Draft General Development Plan, July 1977, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

 Development Concept

Boat Tours-Facilities

Concessioner-operated boat tours will continue at the present level of operation. The present high water level has required the development of temporary docking facilities which do not adequately provide for visitor and employee comfort and convenience. The docking facilities will be rehabilitated with the waiting and ticket sales area away from the base of the cliff.

The feasibility of converting the tour boats to electric power will be explored. There is no power supply available at the Cleetwood Cove landing; the nearest power source is the Rim Village. Conversion to electrically powered boats would require the extension of an underground power line from the Rim Village to Cleetwood Cove, or the development of an alternate source of power near Cleetwood Cove.


The concessioner-operated refreshment stand at the trailhead will be relocated to an area adjacent to the parking lot.



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