Amendment – 09 Implementation

Development Concept Plan, Amendment To The General Management Plan, Crater Lake National Park, Mazama Campground/Rim Village Corridor


 The restoration of the Rim Village to a more natural, leisurely pedestrian environment will be phased to minimize disruption to visitor services. The harsh winter conditions limit construction seasons, while summer construction activities inconvenience visitors. Highest priority will be given to connection of Rim Village facilities to the Munson Valley wastewater treatment system. Options being explored include the construction of a lift station and new sewer line connecting to the existing line from the lodge and employee dormitory, and a gravity or pressure main following the park road.

index.25Construction of the new activity center/lodge will follow. After this facility is completed, the cafeteria building will be removed, visitor parking will be completed, and the remainder of excess roads, parking, and structures (community building and comfort stations) will be removed from the rim area to permit development of new walkways and restoration of native vegetation. Crater Lake Lodge will then be closed for rehabilitation.
A high priority will be removal of parking areas adjacent to the rim and the excess roads and comfort stations in the picnic area along with restoration of the natural environment in these areas. Construction access for rehabilitation of the existing lodge might require retaining some of the excess picnic area roads or the road along the rim until the rehabilitation project is completed. To accomplish this, the new access to the existing lodge and portions of new visitor parking areas will need to be developed. These projects will be coordinated with construction of the new sewer lines.

During the rehabilitation of the existing lodge, which could take three or more years, the number of guest rooms in the Rim Village will be reduced. If economic conditions allow, additional cabins will be completed at Mazama before shutting down the existing lodge.


The Rim Village development concept drawing indicates the possible location of new facilities. The details and phasing could change as design progresses. Upon completion, visitors will be able to leave their cars behind and stroll the rim without the constant intrusion of vehicle noise and smells or the need to constantly cross busy traffic lanes to reach a viewpoint or one of the facilities. Visitor services will be significantly improved because of added interpretive facilities and services. Year-round lodging for individuals, families, and groups will be available. The clutter of development in the Rim Village will be significantly reduced from the 30+ structures to five structures in the village and the lower parking area comfort station. In the winter, skiers and snowshoers will no longer have to struggle across parking areas and man-made snowbanks to enjoy the beauty of the lake, and the rim area will be a more serene place.




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