Donald M. Spalding

I think till his death.

[Ron] What do you recall, Don, about Drury’s feelings concerning the Redwood National Park encompassing the State Parks.

If I recall correctly, he was not in favor of it.

[Ron] I see.

That’s my recollections, he felt that the state could do a good job, and they have done a reasonably good job.

[Ron] Yes.

That’s my recollections of it, I know he was not a strong supporter.

[Ron] Yes. Did you meet his brother Aubrey?

No, not involved with the park.

[Ron] I see.

Most of my work was with the Sierra Club, they were the predominate actors as well. The Save the Redwoods League was in a different level of operation.

[Ron] I see.

You were at Coulee in ’52?


Did that appointment last for several years and then you were transferred?

Yes, I was there probably about three years. I requested a transfer to a hot dry climate. They sent me to Death Valley. It was the most delightful experience. I spent three years there.

So, you would have gone to Death Valley in ’50…?

About ’54.


And stayed there till ’58, going through the ranger series. I was a District Ranger, Ranger and District Ranger.

So, you started as a GS-?


5 at Coulee?


Were you promoted during the time you were at Coulee or did you transfer?

No, not at Coulee after I moved to Death Valley. I ended up writing those PD’s [position descriptions] and I still remember them. I had to do them for everybody, and that was the problem. We were 5s, there were three of us that were 5s, three District Rangers were 5s. We wrote the PDs and we got 6s. A year later we rewrote the PDs and got 7s, in the three districts. Then I transferred to Mount Rushmore as Chief Ranger.