08 2. Timbercrater-Llaorock-Castlecrest (mountain hemlock)

Soil Survey of Crater Lake National Park, Oregon 

General Soil Map Units

Soils That Are on Uplands and Formed in Airfall-Deposited Ash and Pumice

Number of map units: 3

Percentage of park: 29 percent

2. Timbercrater-Llaorock-Castlecrest (mountain hemlock)

Percentage of park: 17 percent

Location in park: Primarily north and east of Mount Mazama, downwind of the eruption

Depth class: Very deep

Position on landscape: Ridges, mountain flanks, and mountainsides

Slope range: 2 to 80 percent

Elevation: 5,500 to 8,900 feet

Average annual precipitation: 50 to 80 inches

Average annual air temperature: 38 to 42 degrees F

Frost-free period: 0 to 50 days

Minor components: 7 percent Rubble land, 3 percent Unionpeak soils, and 5 percent Rock outcrop

Present vegetation: Mountain hemlock, whitebark pine, and lodgepole pine

Timbercrater soils

Drainage class: Excessively drained

Permeability: Very rapid

Parent material: Airfall deposits of pumice and ash

Surface texture: Paragravelly ashy loamy sand

Subsoil texture: Very paragravelly ashy loamy sand

Substratum texture: Extremely paragravelly ashy sand

Llaorock soils

Drainage class: Somewhat excessively drained

Permeability: Rapid

Parent material: Residuum and colluvium derived from andesite mixed with ash

Surface texture: Gravelly ashy sandy loam

Subsoil texture: Extremely stony medial sandy loam

Castlecrest soils

Drainage class: Somewhat excessively drained

Permeability: Rapid

Parent material: Airfall deposits of pumice and ash

Surface texture: Paragravelly ashy loamy sand

Subsoil texture: Paragravelly ashy loamy sand

Substratum texture: Ashy coarse sand

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