04 Introduction – Acknowledgments

The Geology of Crater Lake National Park, OregonWith a reconnaissance of the Cascade Range southward to Mount Shasta by Howell Williams



The field and laboratory work on which this report is based has occupied the larger part of five years, from 1936 to 1940. My difficulty now is that the list of obligations has grown too large to enumerate. I must therefore mention only those to whom I am especially indebted. First among these is Dr. John C. Merriam, President Emeritus of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. It was at his request that the work was undertaken as part of his program for the scientific study of our national parks. To him I owe thanks, not only for constant interest and encouragement, but for generous funds which he placed at my disposal through the National Academy of Sciences. These funds defrayed most of the field expenses, the cost of many chemical analyses, and that of drilling four deep wells. Indirectly, I have also been assisted by Dr. Merriam’s guidance of cooperative research on the geological and anthropological problems of southern Oregon. In this connection, I have benefited particularly by the work of Professor L. S. Cressman, of the University of Oregon, whose discovery of human artifacts beneath the ejecta of Mount Mazama first showed that when Crater Lake was formed man already occupied the neighboring country.

It is a pleasure also to record thanks to the superintendents of Crater Lake National Park, first Mr. David Canfield and later Mr. E. P. Leavitt, for many courtesies; to Mr. John E. Doerr, Jr., park naturalist, who took charge of the detailed re-sounding of Crater Lake; and to his assistants on the naturalist staff, notably Messrs. Wayne E. Kartchner and Loren Miller, who accompanied me in the field on several occasions and helped by reporting their own observations. During the season of 1938 Mr. Randall Brown, and during the next season Mr. Roy Turner, acted ably as field assistants.