2003 Revised Admin History – Chapter Nineteen Trails by Stephen R. Mark, Park Historian 2013



Cover Photos: (top) Footbridge on the Castle Crest Wildflower Garden Trail. Photo by the author, 2009. (bottom) Visitors on the Crater Wall Trail, early 1950s. National Park Service photo.

Park Trails Prior to 1916
National Park Service Trail Building, 1917-21
Maintenance and Construction, 1922-28
Expansion and Re-Construction, 1929-32
New Deal Projects, 1933-41
Postwar Planning and Development, 1942-55
The Mission 66 Years, 1956-66
Austerity and a Changing Backcountry, 1967-80
A Holding Pattern, 1981-92
Convergence of Agenda and Funding, 1993-2010
Index (omitted from the online edition)
Back Cover

(Left) Hiker atop Wizard Island, 1991. (Below) Cover of the U.S. Forest Service brochure on the Oregon Skyline Trail, 1931. (Bottom) Section of the Fort Klamath-Rogue River wagon road near Annie Spring.

Mary Williams Hyde did the final editing and layout. I also wish to thank Andrea Andresen, Gretchen Luxenberg, and Cathy Gilbert as this manuscript passed a critical stage in production.


This represents a third attempt to add other chapters to an administrative history of Crater Lake National Park, completed by Harlan Unrau in 1987. Some 25 years hence, it may now be time to revise or revisit the initial work, in whole or in part. While some trails received mention in Unrau’s work, he did not index it, so its usefulness is limited to charting how pedestrian circulation roughly developed in the park. His is not alone in that regard, as my Historic American Engineering Record documentation, Addendum to Crater Lake National Park Roads (HAER OR-107), also contains information about trails, but is not indexed. This narrative attempts to correct that deficiency, though it also represents an effort to place trails in somewhat greater context than simply being an adjunct to park development in general, or roads in particular.

A chapter (19) on trails comes as staff members are embarking on a comprehensive trails plan for the park. Support for writing this chapter came from Superintendent Craig Ackerman, Acting Superintendent Vicki Snitzler, Management Assistant Scott Burch, Chief of Interpretation Marsha McCabe, and the Crater Lake Natural History Association. I started the draft in August 2010, at a time when the Plaikni Falls Trail was nearing completion, having earlier assisted on various trails projects from 1997 onward. My thanks go to former Trails Leader Cheri Killam Bomhard, who has shown how the hiking experience of visitors and staff can be improved through realignments that enhance how the landscape is seen and enjoyed. The narrative also benefitted from talks given at the park’s science and learning center during the summer months to employees and the dialog that resulted. Mary Williams Hyde did the layout, with funds for printing provided by ……..

Stephen R. Mark
December 2012