Crater Lake Limnological Studies Final Report, Larson, McIntire, Jacobs 1993

Crater Lake Limnological Studies Final Report 1993

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Three sections of the Final Report of Limnological Studies at Crater Lake, Oregon are provided in this publication.

The full citation of the final report is: Larson, G.L, C.D. McIntire, and R.W. Jacobs, Editors. 1993. Crater Lake Limnological Studies Final Report. Technical Report NPS/PNROSU/NRTR-93/03. National Park Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Seattle, Washington. 722 pages.

Copies of the entire report are available from the following:

Technical Information Center
Denver Service Center
P.O. Box 25287
Denver, Colorado 80225-0287
(303) 969-2130

National Technical Information Service
U.S. Department of Commerce
5285 Port Royal
Springfield, Virginia 22161 (703) 605-6000

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